Updated Articles

  1. Add Another Billing Method To Customer Vault

    When logged into the Merchant Gateway, click List Customers. Search for the customer vault record to whom a billing method should be added. Note : Using the Energy Force Customer # is recommended. If a record exists in the Customer Vault,...
  2. Accessing the Merchant Portal

    The Merchant Portal can be accessed at any time from within Energy Force when a customer is set up with the Portal.  Select EF Portal in the menu bar of Energy Force to navigate to the Merchant Portal Login page.   Merchant Portal Login Ent...
  3. Maintenance Table Setup

    Prior to utilizing the import program, Price Maintenance, Agvance Contract Price Codes, and Bill Type XRef maintenance tables will need to be created.  Once created, standard upkeep of the tables will need to take place as new Price Codes or Bill Ty...
  4. Adjust Settlement Schedule on Merchant Gateway

    The settlement schedule will set the time that the settlements process will initiate for the desired processor. This doesn’t reflect the payment posting times in Energy Force. Please update Energy Force time zone in the Merchant Maintenance table fo...
  5. Monitor / Tank Swap Process

    If a monitor is switched to a new customer tank in Energy Force, or a different monitor is being applied to a tank, the following steps will need to be made to ensure the transfer is completed properly. Access the tank monitor website prior to mak...
  6. Save and Search in Customer Vault

    Save a Payment Method in Customer Vault Payment methods can be stored in a secured Customer Vault in the Merchant Gateway to allow for future card processing and automatic payments from Energy Force. Add Customer Payment Method to the Customer Vau...
  7. Post a Sale into Energy Force

    From the Master Menu, select Posting Menu . Choose Enter Sales . On the Please Select a Sales Journal window, select Create . Enter the Division for the Sales Tickets. Enter the Date of the tickets delivered. Enter the User ID . C...
  8. Troubleshooting Posting - Energy Force

    Department Summary Dollars Does not Match Journal Dollars Determine the amount off by subtracting the Journal dollar amount from the Department Summary amount. Then find out which customer or line item is not included in the Department Summary. Wri...
  9. Deferred Billing - Energy Force

    Deferred Billing bills customers for their usage based on Remote Tank Monitor readings.  Deliveries are made to an inventory department at $0 and once a month they are billed for their usage at the average price for the month.   Rules Monitor rea...
  10. Updating Energy Force

    To update Energy Force or access the Energy Force release notes from within the application: Go to Help / Check for Update in Energy Force.  The Current version and the New version numbers of Energy Force displays. Select Version Docume...