BPO Report Guidelines


OptimizerPlus Schedule Compliance Report
This report can be found at Main Menu / Management Reports / Optimizer Report / Schedule Compliance Report . The OptimizerPlus Schedule Compliance report should be processed weekly and monthly. OptimizerPlus Compliance reports can be generated ba...
Delivery Efficiency by Tank
Navigate to Main Menu / Management Reports / Management Reports / #4 . This is to be processed monthly, quarterly, and seasonal. Deliveries are displayed for designated date ranges to show comparisons of gallon drops per tank size.   Compare up t...
Tank Reading Route Analysis Report
Navigate to Main Menu / Management Reports / Management Reports / #15 . This is to be processed quarterly. This report is designed to display the route, customer type, and delivery type associated to tanks delivered for a given time period.  The ...
Customer Gain/Loss Report
Navigate to Main Menu / Management Reports / Customer Gain/Loss . This report is to be processed annually. The purpose of this report is to reflect how many customers have been gained compared to how many customers have been lost for the given ti...
Tank Inventory Status Report
Navigate to Main Menu / Tank and Meter Inventory Menu / Reports / Report #1 . This report is to be processed monthly. The Tank Inventory Status report can be processed to show all tanks with the current inventory status or can be filtered to show...
Use Less than Required Gallons
Navigate to Main Menu / Report Menu / Tank Reports / Tank Report Option 2 – Report #1 . This report is to be process annually. This gives the ability to enter a date range, tank size, and number of gallons required for delivery during a specified...
Use More than Minimum Gallons
Navigate to Main Menu / Report Menu / Tank Reports / Tank Report Option 2 – Report #8 . This report is to be processed annually. This report gives the ability to enter a tank size and number of gallons for a date range.  Any tank exceeding the nu...
Last Delivery Date of Gas Report
Navigate to Main Menu / Report Menu / Tank Reports / Last Delivery Date of Gas #3 . This is to be processed annually and the beginning of each heating season. The Last Delivery Date of Gas report gives the ability to enter a last delivery date an...
Safety Analysis Report
Navigate to Main Menu / Reports / Gas Check Leak Tests / Safety Analysis Report #7 . This report is to be processed quarterly. The Safety Analysis report exports to Excel and displays each tank associated to a customer along with leak test dates,...
Bulk Truck Delivery Report by Truck
Navigate to Main Menu / Bulk Truck Delivery / Reports / Report #1 . This report is to be processed daily and weekly. Enter a specific truck (or 0 for all) along with a date range, Register #, and print all information regarding deliveries.   Thi...