Updated Articles

  1. OptimizerPlus Maintenance Tables

    Yard and Remote Tanks GPS Each Yard/Storage or non-filling location (drivers home) needs listed by Division with a description. X1 and Y1 coordinates both need to display a negative sign (-) in front of the coordinate. The coordinate ...
  2. Agvance to Energy Force Integration

    View the flow of transferring master files between Agvance and Energy Force. Customer Tank Contract ...
  3. Daily Clear Import Prepay Usage

    The following explains what happens with Bookings when a file is imported at Agvance Energy / Transfers / Import / Energy Force / Daily Clear . Note: The file being imported will have a Booking number in the line, then only that Booking will be ...
  4. Energy Force and Agvance Daily Clear Processes

    The Daily Clear Menu contains modules necessary to transfer sales and tank files to Agvance Energy. Each time Daily Clear processes are performed, files are exported to the CTLS93\DD85\Interface folder located on the server. Once f...
  5. Energy Force Export

    Create an export file of Customers and/or Contracts to import into Energy Force. Setup Go to Energy / Transfers / Exports / Energy Force . Select criteria to export on the Export Energy Force window. Select the F...
  6. Voiding Invoices for Deliveries to Budget Billing Tank

    Budget Billing Invoices are automatically marked as paid when Budget Billing Product Delivery Orders are invoiced.  Accounting does not allow paid Invoices to be voided, so when an error on quantity, price, or customer occurs on a Budget Billing Inv...
  7. Energy Force / Agvance Tank Transfer Procedure

    If utilizing Agvance version 7.0.26030 or higher, review Change Inventory Status for instructions on tank transfers. To avoid duplication errors in Agvance, utilize the following procedures to transfer Company and Customer Owned Tanks. Cu...
  8. Utility Menu

    Note: The Update Taxes for Fuelware option is a discontinued process. Change Price Codes Use this process if there is a Price Code that needs to be changed or updated. This can be done in a single Division or in all Divisions as well as on...
  9. Tanks - SKY Energy

    A listing of all Tanks is available in SKY Energy. The list can be narrowed down by selecting the Filter icon and entering a filter criteria or search by ID , Name , Address , or City and State in the Search Customers bar located in the h...
  10. Placing a Payment

    Upon logging into the payment portal a list displays of the current Amount Due , Current Balance , and Budget Due along with 30/60/90 Day Balances . Note : If a discount is available, the discount total and paid by date will now show und...