Updated Articles

  1. July 2024 SKY Energy Release Notes

    SKY Energy SKYR-345 / SKY Energy Logo –  New SKY Energy logo now appears on the landing page of SKY Energy.  SKYR-346 / SKY Energy Error Page –  New error page in application. Clicking Go Home will redirect back to a safe SKY Energy landi...
  2. 17.261 | 10.30.2023

    Energy Force BRUT-526  / New Reconciliation Report –  A new reconciliation report for Energy Force Portal payments is on the Posting Menu and can be run by the payment date with recent payments taking up to 5 minutes to display.     Balance a...
  3. 17.258 | 09.13.2023

    – Key Highlight Energy Force BRUT-229  / Purge DD History on the Year End Menu  – Purge Menu is working as expected and speed improvements have been implemented. BRUT-230  / Purge K Deviate Records – Purge K Deviate Records are wor...
  4. 17.257 | 08.11.2023

    Energy Force BRUT-576  / Tax Exemption Import – New Tax exemption import has been added to automated tasks.  The parameter section requires the file name to be entered with the file type extension.  For example: taxexemptions.csv. Optimize...
  5. 17.264 | 12.20.2023

    Energy Force BRUT-582  / Additional Tax Fields Added to Master Clear –  Master Clear #12 has been updated from 10 tax codes and 10 tax amounts to 15 tax codes and 15 tax amounts. BRUT-697  / Energy Track Driver Ticklers –  Driver comments\tic...
  6. Safety Forms User Guide

    The Safety Form feature allows users to document details related to a suspicion of a leak or interruption of service call.  Once documented, the record can be tracked to completion or resolution of the reported issue. Each form can be track...
  7. Optimizer By Route / Location Setup

    Optimizer Breakout Rules for Setup Once the breakout version is deployed, the original Optimizer Auto Task will remain in place.  To use the Optimizer Breakout mode, delete the current Optimizer task and add a new task for each variation of Route...
  8. Test Sale Button for Taxing

                                            Energy Force allows for testing a tank to  determine  if it will tax properly .  A Test Sale button is  located  o n the  T ank  I nfo screen in the  T ank ...
  9. Placing a Payment

    Upon logging into the payment portal a list displays of the current Amount Due , Current Balance , and Budget Due along with 30/60/90 Day Balances . Note : If a discount is available, the discount total and paid by date will now show under...
  10. June 2024 SKY Energy Release Notes

    SKY Energy SKYR-223 / SKY Energy Feedback Button –  Share feedback instantly back to SSI regarding SKY Energy. SKYR-234 / Tank Description Character Limits  – Tank Description views have been extended to view all 30 characters po...