Opening the Map
The map will be opened from within Energy Force. There are two main locations this can be done. The first is from the Tank screen. In the lower right, there is a Find button that can be used to open the map and locate the specified tank. This ...
Map Basics
Map Basics When the data has been rendered on the map your screen will look similar to the one below. Layers Tab The Layers tab is on the left side of the window and shows the different layers that can be displayed. If a layer’s box is check...
Map Icons
Energy-Map Icon Legend
Print Back Forward Redraw Map Stop Drawing Zoom to Area of Interest Zoom In Zoom Out Show Selected Data Settings Commit Layer Changes Commit Route Bounda...
Roads Contains all information pertaining to Census road data. When zoomed out, only major road names are visible. Lesser road names will appear when zoomed in far enough. Road Edits This layer will contain any editing done to the existing road...
Add a User to EnergyMap
Connect to company server.
Open Energy Force and access the Supervisor Menu .
Select Set Up Options .
Review required rights.
Click on Edit EnergyMap Rights to determine the necessary rights for the new user.
Application Closes with No Warning This is often due to licensing issues. Please contact Software Support. Tanks are Single Color Instead of Multi-Colored Refresh, zoom, or pan the map to bring back the colored shapes. If the probl...