Sales Tax

The EnergyForce Sales Tax engine is designed to apply various taxes according to their original definition by the governing law. This approach will reduce the amount of data entry, eliminate user error, and remain accurate even when a tank is relocated.


Energy Force Tax Setup and Functionality New
Energy Force enables precise tax configuration and application to sales transactions. This document outlines the setup process for taxes and how they are applied. Department Setup Departments determine how items are taxed and are found at Mai...
Tax Exemptions
Tax Exemptions can be defined at two different levels. Product Level At the department (Product) level, define if a specific department is exempt from sales tax or fuel tax. In that case, the system will not apply taxes defined as sales or fue...
Test Sale Button for Taxing
Energy Force allows for testing a tank to  determine  if it will tax properly .  A Test Sale button is  located  o n the  T ank  I nfo screen in the  T ank Product Reference section .   By s electing  this butt...