Service Order Types This section will cross-reference Service Types (tank sets, Gas Checks, Appliance Installs) with the Technician. From the EnergyService menu, select Service Orders . Choose Service Order Types and press Ctrl+C to ...
Equipment Types This is to indicate the type of Equipment (or description of equipment) being serviced. From the EnergyService menu, select Equipment . Choose Equipment Types and press Ctrl+C to create. The Equipment Type code wil...
Each customer must have a Service Location tied to their account in Customer Maintenance. A Service Location can refer to a customer tank or a piece of equipment. Prior to setting up a Service Location, first set up the types of Equipment that can...
From the EnergyService menu, select Reports . Service Parts Price This report is designed to show items by product category and display pricing per Division and sales markup. This report can be sent to Video , Printer , or ASCII /Excel forma...
From the EnergyService menu, navigate to Warehouse Locations / Warehouse Locations . Select the Warehouse Location where the non-serialized inventory item currently resides. Choose the Storage Location and Storage Location Part (Non-Se...
Once serialized inventory items have been received to the shipping warehouse those items can then be transferred to other locations. From the EnergyService menu, navigate to Warehouse Locations / Warehouse Locations . Select the Warehouse Loc...
Zoom & Pan # 1 Rule for Using EnergyMap Always have the correct layer selected before attempting to use any feature such as table view, details, scheduling, or creating route boundaries. Zoom In and Out Zoom in/out by using the scroll wheel on...
Map Settings Select the Settings icon located on the Map toolbar. Choose each tab to customize. Filters Enable filters to specify which tanks display when scheduling tanks for delivery. Show auto-fill tanks which are between – Di...
Auto Fill Tanks Circle The Tank is above delivery thresholds set within map settings. Triangle The Tank is within the delivery target range indicated in map settings. Square The Tank is considered C ritical as it is at or below the c...
Table View Search Note: The search feature is CASE sensitive. Highlight the appropriate layer to search. Select from the drop-down in the Table View area. This is always defaulted to Any . Change the selection to be more specific if des...