EnergyService Equipment

Equipment Types

This is to indicate the type of Equipment (or description of equipment) being serviced.

  1. From the EnergyService menu, select Equipment.
  2. Choose Equipment Types and press Ctrl+C to create.
  3. The Equipment Type code will automatically be assigned once saved.
  4. Enter a Description and press the Down Arrow or F4 to create new line.
  5. Press Ctrl+Q to save.

Fuel Types

If the type of equipment being serviced uses a Fuel Type such as Propane or Fuel Oil, enter a Fuel Type to tie to the equipment.

  1. From the EnergyService menu, select Equipment.
  2. Choose Fuel Types and press Ctrl+C to create.
  3. RRN will be automatically assigned once saved.
  4. Enter the Fuel Type Description.
  5. In the bottom portion, enter the information related to the Fuel Type. 

Sort/Description Table

  1. Press Ctrl+C to create.
  2. The Sort number will be automatically assigned.
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. Select the Field Type from the drop-down (Date, Time, Checkbox, Choices, Text).
  5. Enter Possible Values.
  6. Check the Required? option if this item is required to be filled out when setting the Equipment on the customer.
  7. Check the Show on W.O.? to show this information on the Service Order.
  8. Press Ctrl+Q to save.
  9. Do this for each Fuel Type. Press the Down Arrow or F4 to add a new line.


Equipment can consist of items being sold or what is present at a customer site being serviced.  

Below is where the Equipment Types, Fuel Types, and Related Parts will be tied.

The top section will cross-reference the Description with the Equipment and Fuel Type.

  1. From the EnergyService menu, select Equipment.
  2. Choose Equipment press Ctrl+C to create.
  3. RRN will be automatically assigned once saved.
  4. Enter the Description of the Product (this can be the same as the Equipment Type).
  5. Press F5 to select the Type of Equipment.
  6. Check the Warranty option if this item is under warranty.
  7. Press F5 to select the Fuel Type related to this piece of Equipment.  
    Note: If selling a water heater for propane and for fuel, both types will need entered.
  8. Press Ctrl+Q to save.

The bottom section will link the possible parts related to a piece of equipment cutting down on the number of times the same information needs entered.

  1. Press Ctrl+C to create.
  2. Sort will be automatically assigned once saved.
  3. Enter a Description of parts related to equipment to be installed.
  4. Select the Field Type from the drop-down list (Date, Time, Checkbox, Choices, Text).
  5. Under Possible Values, enter the options available when selecting this piece of equipment.
  6. Check Required? if this part is required for this piece of Equipment.
  7. Check Show on W.O.? to show this part on the Service Work Order.
  8. Repeat these steps for each piece of equipment.

Note: In the bottom section, the options set up under Fuel Types will now be included for this piece of Equipment and related parts.