EnergyMap - Map Settings

Map Settings

  1. Select the Settings icon located on the Map toolbar.
  2. Choose each tab to customize.


Enable filters to specify which tanks display when scheduling tanks for delivery.

  • Show auto-fill tanks which are between – Display auto-fill tanks with an estimated percent left within the chosen range.
  • Show Julian deliveries due within the next – Display Julian deliveries that have a next scheduled date within the amount of days from today that is entered.
  • Mark julians critical if they are at least – This will modify the symbol of Julian deliveries to display with a bold border to indicate past due.
  • Show tanks with zero gallons to deliver – Display tanks where the estimated gallons to deliver is 0.00.
  • Show call-in tanks with no active entry – Display Call In Delivery Type tanks that do not currently have an active Call In assigned.
  • Show tanks that are on hold – Display tanks that are actively on hold.


GPS Settings are not actively used at this time.

Tank Styles

  • Auto-Fill – Modify the Symbol, Size, Outline, and Rotation for Critical, Target, and Above Ranges. This also allows the modification of Target and Critical Thresholds for these tanks.
  • Call-In – Modify the Symbol, Size, Outline, and Rotation for the Immediate Fill or Active Call Ins that show up on the map.
  • Julian – Modify the Symbol, Size, Outline, and Rotation for the Overdue and Active Julian deliveries.
  • Routes – Modify the color of the tanks for each route.
  • Lines – Modify the thickness and color of the Boundary lines and the lines denoting scheduled deliveries.

Road Styles

  • Census – Determine the Size (width and weight) of Primary Highways, Secondary Highways, and Local Roads. Census roads are considered read-only and cannot be modified.
  • Roads – Roads have the same functionality as Census Road layers but can be modified to add/remove roads and can display the path from one tank to another.