Set up a different code for each vendor to track. Print a Vendor List, Vendor History, or Vendor History By Contract report by vendor number from the Propane Storage Report Menu.
- From the Propane Storage Menu, select Maintenance Files.
- Choose Vendor Maintenance.
- On the Select - Vendor window, to enter a new vendor, choose Create. To change a vendor, select the vendor to change, choose Modify, and make any necessary changes.
- In the Div field, enter the Division the vendor is assigned.
- Enter the Vendor Name.
- In the Contact Person field, enter the name of the person to contact when communicating with the vendor.
- In the Address field, enter the street address for the vendor.
- Fill out the City/State/Zip field.
- Enter the Telephone number for the vendor.
- Enter the Fax Phone number for the vendor.
- Choose Save.