Pre-Buy / Contract Posting

Pre-Buy/Contract Posting gives the ability to allocate the number of gallons that should be received in a month on contracts purchased and updates gallons received from Bill of Lading Posting. Print the Vendor History Contract report that lists bills of lading received by contract.

  1. From the Propane Storage Menu, choose Pre-Buy/Contract Posting.
  2. Press Ctrl+C to create a new pre-buy/contract. To change a pre-buy/contract, select the pre-buy/contract to change, press CTRL+M, and make any necessary changes.
  3. In the Div field, enter the Division number the pre-buy/contract is tied to or press F5 to select the Division from the list.
  4. In the Vendor field, enter the vendor the pre-buy/contract is tied to or press F5 to select the vendor from the list.
  5. Enter the Vendor Name. If a Vendor number was entered or selected, the Vendor Name will fill in automatically. Press Tab.
  6. Enter the date the pre-buy/contract starts in the Start Date field and the date the pre-buy/contract ends in the End Date field.
  7. Enter a unique identifier for the pre-buy/contract in the Contract Number field.
  8. Enter the number of Gallons on the pre-buy/contract.
  9. Enter the Tank Type for the pre-buy/contract or press F5 to select the Tank Type from the list.
  10. Enter the Location the pre-buy/contract is tied to or press F5 to select from the list.
  11. In the Contract Price field, enter the price per gallon for the pre-buy/contract.
  12. If a set number of gallons are set to be delivered in a specific month, enter the number of gallons allocated for that month in the Allocated field.
  13. In the blank area, enter comments for the pre-buy/contract.
  14. Press CTRL+Q.