As deliveries are made to Auto-Fill tanks, a new K-Factor is calculated for the tank based on current and prior deliveries. When a K-Factor wants to adjust by a value greater than what’s allowed in the Division table, a report generates to notify of the deviation for review.
K-Factors & Degree Days Basics
Degree Days What are Heating Degree Days?
Heating Degree Days (HDD) – The average temperature that falls below 65 degrees. Weather based sites calculate by adding the High + Low temperatures (assumes the high temp for 12 hours and low tem...
K-Factor Deviation Report
What is a K - Factor Deviation? As deliveries are made to Auto-Fill tanks, a new K-Factor is calculated for the tank based on current and prior deliveries. When a K-Factor wants to adjust by a value greater than what’s allowed in the...
Fix a K-Factor
Add Daily Use Remember, if adding daily use to a tank, adjust the K-Factor upward so that it is no longer trying to compensate for the daily usage. Adjust the K-Factor Many times, the last three Calculated K-Factors can be averaged. However, if ...
K-Factor Delivery Analysis Report
This report will need to be processed for at least one year’s worth of information and sent to Excel so that it will display at least three deliveries to give an average calculated K-Factor. Navigate to Main Menu / Reports Menu / K-Factor Repo...
K-Factor Deviation Changes Made Report
The K-Factor Deviation Changes Made report is located at Main Menu / Management Reports / Exception Report Menu / Deviation Changes Made and is designed to display if changes are actively being made based on the Deviation report. Input Journal ...