Popular Articles

  1.  Maintenance Table Setup - Manifolded Tanks

    Prior to setting up a manifolded tank in Energy Force, it is recommended that a Delivery Type of Manifolded  be added to the Energy Force maintenance tables to identify the secondary tanks. To add a new Delivery Type from the Main Menu...
  2. 17.280 | 07.29.2024 General Release

    – Key Highlight Energy Force SKYR-306  / Saving Device Payment Methods –  Users have the ability to save credit card payment methods from a device (and save as default) to the consumers account for future use. SKYR-426  / Disable Manual C...
  3. Energy Force and Agvance Daily Clear Processes

    The Daily Clear Menu contains modules necessary to transfer sales and tank files to Agvance Energy. Each time Daily Clear processes are performed, files are exported to the CTLS93\DD85\Interface folder located on the server. Once f...
  4. Agvance to Energy Force Integration

    View the flow of transferring master files between Agvance and Energy Force. Customer Tank Contract ...
  5. Void an Entry

    From the Posting Menu , select Void Line Item . On the Please Select a Void Journal Number window, choose Create . Enter the Division . Enter the Date of the tickets. Enter the User ID . Choose Select . On the Select Customer wi...
  6. OptimizerPlus Maintenance Tables

    Yard and Remote Tanks GPS Each Yard/Storage or non-filling location (drivers home) needs listed by Division with a description. X1 and Y1 coordinates both need to display a negative sign (-) in front of the coordinate. The coordinate ...
  7. May 2024 SKY Energy Release Notes

    SKY Energy SKYR-251 / Consumer Portal Company Admin   – Consumer Portal Admin descriptions on cards have been updated. 
  8. EnergyTrack Redesign

    Coming Soon! EnergyTrack Redesign is currently in a Beta phase with a rollout date still being determined.   EnergyTrack has a new look and feel.  Update to the new version in Energy Force by navigating to Main Menu / ...
  9.  Add Monitor to Customer Tank

    The following steps need to be completed to add a Remote Tank Monitor to a Customer Tank for percent updates.   From the main menu, navigate to Customer Menu / Customer Maintenance / Tank Info / Set Up Meter/RTM . The ...
  10. Summer Fills and Contract Prioritization

    Summer Fill mode follows a different scheduling algorithm designed for delivering to many tanks in a consolidated area, rather than scheduling to achieve optimum drop size efficiencies. Furthermore, this scheduling mode can be used to either top o...