Customer / Tank Inquiry - Refined Fuels

This feature enables the driver to review information pertaining to a customer such as credit terms, tanks, budget info, account balances, etc. Customers are listed by Last Name, First Name, or by Business Name. Modifications with regard to customer tanks cannot be made within the Inquiry menu. All changes must be made within the Unscheduled Delivery menu.

Search by Customer Name

  1. Select Customer for Choose Search Criteria then select Search.
  2. Tap in the field directly under the Name column.
  3. Begin typing the last name of the customer or the first name of a business. As the letters are entered, the program begins to auto-arrange and sort.
  4. Select the customer name to display the corresponding information.
    • Customer Name and Customer Number
    • Phone and Work Phone numbers
    • Customer Credit Limits and Aging (useful when on-call for off hours)
    • Budget Payment information
    • Customer Credit Terms (useful when on-call for off hours and Call-In customer types)
    • More Info (shows Agvance prepay, budget and UAC balances.)
    • Last Payment date and amount

Select Tanks to review information regarding tanks for the highlighted customer.


Directions displays driving or delivery directions for the delivery location as well as the delivery Address.  The tab also displays Special Instructions associated with the selected tank. This tab will be highlighted in red if there are special instructions listed for the selected tank. Any changes made will be sent back to the office and available every time a driver makes a delivery.

Serial# Inquiry

Serial# Inquiry allows the driver to search for a customer account by either the tank serial number or address.

  1. Select the Tank radial for Choose Search Criteria then select Search.
  2. Select either the Tank Serial Number column or Address column to search if either is known and begin typing to filter the results.
    1. If only a partial street name or number is known, select the carrot next to the Address field header, then the Custom Filter option.  
    2. Type in the partial known information and select OK. The results will display the addresses that contain the partial street name or number entered.
  3. Once the serial number or address appears, choose Select to view more information about the tank or tanks at the address selected.