Tank / Meter Manufacturers Tables

Table Setup

Prior to adding Tank and Meter Inventory items, the Tank/Meter Manufacturers tables must first be set up.

  1. From the Main Menu in Energy Force, select the Tank and Meter Inventory Menu.
  2. Choose Tank/Meter Manufacturers.
  3. Enter the Type (T - Tank, M - Meter) and press Tab.
  4. Enter the Manufacturer Number Id. This number must be unique and can consist of up to four characters.
  5. Enter the Manufacturer Name.
  6. To insert another line, press the Down Arrow key on the keyboard or press F4. Select Save once all manufacturers have been added.

Tank/Meter Inventory Screen

Once the manufacturers have been set up, Tanks, Meters, and Cylinders can be added into the inventory. 

  1. Type – Search by All types, Meters, or Tanks.
  2. Status – Search by Everything, In, Out, Sold, Not in Service, At Customer, Destroyed, or Lost/Stolen.
    Note: The Lost/Stolen and Destroyed options can only be processed when the tank is in inventory.
  3. Division – Search by specific Division number or leave as 0 to view all.
  4. Location – Search by specific Location number or leave as 0 to view all.
  5. Refresh Inventory – Once Search types have been selected, choose Refresh Inventory to view.
  6. Type – The Type is either Tank or Meter.
  7. Tank Type Description – The Description will be Propane, Dyed Diesel, Cylinder, Meter, etc.
  8. Serial Number – The serial number is listed.
  9. Tank Capacity – The tank capacity is displayed.
  10. * – This symbol indicates an underground tank.
  11. Inventory StatusI indicates In, O indicates Out, N indicates Not in Service, L indicates Lost/Stolen, S indicates Sold, and D indicates Destroyed.
  12. User Defined – This is only used if EF Plus has been purchased.
  13. View History – Select this button to see a history of the tank throughout its life in Energy Force.
  14. Enter Repairs – If a tank is set for repairs, make a note in the field to indicate what has transpired.
  15. Division Number – This is the Division number assigned to the tank.
  16. Purchase Date – This is the date of purchase.
  17. Purchase Amount – The purchase amount can be entered.
  18. Manufactured By – The manufacturer can be listed.
  19. Manufactured Date – Enter the date of manufacture.
  20. Location Number – This is the location assigned to the tank.
  21. Year tank Painted – This is the year the tank was last painted.
  22. Type of Paint – Insert the type/color of paint.
  23. Est Gals in Tank – This is the estimated gallons in the tank at the time of purchase or at the time it was picked up from a customer.
  24. Tank Underground? – Check this option if the tank is an underground tank.

Change Tank/Meter Maintenance Setup

  1. From the Main Menu, select Tank and Meter Inventory Menu.
  2. Choose Tank/Meter Maintenance.
  3. To enter a new tank or meter, press CTRL+C. To change a tank or meter, select the tank or meter to change, press CTRL+M, and then make any necessary changes.
  4. In the Type field, enter M for Meter or T for Tank.
  5. In the Div field, enter the Division number associated with the Tank.
  6. In the Tank Type field, enter type of product for the Tank. (P for Propane, DD for Dyed Diesel, F for Fuel, CY for Cylinder)
  7. In the Serial Number area, type a unit serial number for the tank or meter. If the serial number for a meter is not known, press Tab to assign a temporary meter serial number. An example of a temporary serial number would be Tmp#Sep05-103052. Tmp# indicates a temporary number, Sep05 is the date the meter is received into inventory, and the 10352 is a system generated number.
  8. If entering a tank, indicate the Tank Capacity.
  9. If creating a new record, the Inventory status will automatically display In and cannot be changed.
  10. If known, enter the purchase date of the unit in the Purchase Date field.
  11. If known, enter the amount paid for the unit in the Purchase Amount field. 
  12. If entering a tank, enter the tank type for the unit in the Tank Type field. Alternatively, press F5 or select the Lookup icon to choose the tank type from the list.
  13. If entering a meter, enter the meter type for the unit in the Meter Type field. Alternatively, press F5 or select the Lookup icon to choose from the list.
  14. Enter the manufacturer number for the unit in the Manufactured By field. Alternatively press F5 or select the Lookup icon to choose from the list.
  15. In the Manufactured Date field, enter the manufacture date of the unit if known.
  16. If entering a tank, enter the four-digit year the tank was painted in the Year Tank Painted field. 
  17. If entering a tank, enter a description of the type of paint used in the Type of Paint field.
  18. If entering a tank enter the number of gallons in the tank when it was received in the Est Gals in Tank field.
  19. If entering a tank, indicate if the tank is underground by selecting the Tank Underground? option. Underground tanks are marked with an * on the Tank/Meter Maintenance window.
  20. Choose Save (no more to enter) to complete the entry or Save and enter another to enter additional tanks or meters.
  21. Select Exit and then Previous Menu.