Navigate to Main Menu / Tank and Meter Inventory Menu / Reports / Report #1 . This report is to be processed monthly. The Tank Inventory Status report can be processed to show all tanks with the current inventory status or can be filtered to show...
Navigate to Main Menu / Reports / Gas Check Leak Tests / Safety Analysis Report #7 . This report is to be processed quarterly. The Safety Analysis report exports to Excel and displays each tank associated to a customer along with leak test dates,...
Navigate to Main Menu / Management Reports / Management Reports / #4 . This is to be processed monthly, quarterly, and seasonal. Deliveries are displayed for designated date ranges to show comparisons of gallon drops per tank size. Compare up t...
Navigate to Main Menu / Management Reports / Customer Gain/Loss . This report is to be processed annually. The purpose of this report is to reflect how many customers have been gained compared to how many customers have been lost for the given ti...
File Layout of Incoming AFD File Export File Field Name Max Field Length Description File Header Record: File header, one record per file Record Type 1 The value is always 1 for a file header record ...
Last Updated: 06/07/2022
SSI is excited to offer you a way to work remotely when needed as well as reduce hardware-related overhead by utilizing cloud computing. Let our team worry about the technical side while your employees can focus on the customer, wherever they may be...