File Layout of Incoming AFD File
Export File Field Name | Max Field Length | Description |
File Header Record: | File header, one record per file | |
Record Type | 1 | The value is always 1 for a file header record |
Version | 4 | The first two characters describe the format version (e.g. 01); the second two describe the content version (initially 00) |
Facility Number | 10 | Coop identification number |
Batch Date | 10 | Current date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Invoice Header Record: | Customer Header, one record per customer | |
Record Type | 1 | The value is always 2 for a customer invoice header record |
Customer ID | 6 | CHS Customer ID number |
Coop Account Number | 10 | The customer account number created and used by the local coop |
Customer Name | 30 | The customer first and last name, or company name |
Customer Address1 | 30 | The first address line for the customer |
Customer Address2 | 30 | The second address line for the customer |
Customer City | 30 | The city of the customer |
Customer State | 2 | The state of the customer |
Customer Zip | 10 | The zip code for the customer |
Billing Date | 10 | The date the coops are billed (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Invoice Detail Record: | Tank Header, one record per active tank for the given customer | |
Record Type | 1 | The value is always 3 for a customer invoice detail record |
Product ID | 8 | Product identification i.e. FLD-D, UL, RMXL |
Product Type | 25 | Short description of the product |
Site ID | 1 | Site ID is a number that represents a group of tanks out at the local farm |
Tank ID | 1 | Tank ID is a number that represents a single tank at a given site at the local farm |
Tank Capacity | 8 | The Capacity of the tank rounded to tenths of a gallon |
Reference ID | 8 | For monthly billing this will be NULL, for daily billing this is either the Order ID or the Buyout ID |
Delivery Date | 19 | For daily delivery orders this is the delivery date. For monthly customers this is the billing date |
Gallons Delivered | 8 | For monthly billing, this is the number of gallons of product delivered over the billing cycle. For daily billing this, is the number of gallons delivered for the given order. |
Gallons Used | 8 | For monthly billing, this is the number of gallons invoiced. This includes used gallons in the current cycle and accumulated usage gallons from the prior billing cycle. |
Buyout Gallons | 8 | For monthly billing this is zero or, if an auto-buyout occurred, the same value as Gallons Used. For daily billing this is zero or, if the order was a buyout, is the same value as Gallons Used. |
State Taxed | 8 | State taxed usage or delivered volume |
State Tax-Exempt | 8 | State tax-exempt usage or delivered volume |
Federal Taxed | 8 | Federal taxed usage or delivered volume |
Federal Tax-Exempt | 8 | Federal tax-exempt usage or delivered volume |
Co-op Cost per Gallon | 8 | Coop cost per gallon of product. |
Total Cost No Taxes | 8 | Coop total cost without taxes |
Total Freight | 8 | Total freight charges |
Total Delivery Charges | 8 | Total delivery charges |
Total Trip Charges | 8 | Total trip charges |
Tank Serial ID | The serial ID listed on the tank page | |
Billing Type | 1 | 1 – Monitored |
Order Create Date | 19 | On Daily Non-Monitored – Order Date, |
File Trailer Record: | File Footer, one record per file | |
Record Type | 1 | This value is always 4 for a file trailer record. |
Batch Date | 10 | Current date (mm/dd/yyyy) |
Record Count | 8 | Total number of all records in the export file |