Procedure to Post a Trip and then Manually Run the Optimizer

  1. After the truck computer has communicated the trip in to the server, you will need to post the deliveries/sales to the tanks and customer accounts.
  2. In Energy Force, select Posting Menu.
  3.  In the posting menu, click on Mobile Device Posting.
  4. Click Post Re-Engineered ET
  5. After the process runs and the tanks are update, you can manually run the Optimizer.
  6. From the Main Menu, click on Route Scheduling.
  7. Click on Schedule Deliveries
  8. Select Populate Optimizer
  9. Input the routes that need to be ran again. For example, routes 1-6 or 1-1 or 1-3. Also, make sure to mark the Clear Scheduled to ‘No’. All other fields can remain untouched.
  10. After all information has been entered and the schedule set to not clear, click Process.
  11. The Optimizer will now run. A message will pop up when the process has completed.
  12. Select OK.
  13. To build a new download for the truck computer with the new route, ESC back to the previous menu and click Download to Re-Engineered.
  14. Input the truck computer information that needs new information. This may be 1-6 or 1-1 or 1-3 to name a few examples. Then put the division range of the information that is needed to be sent to the computer. To get everything, the range 1- 9999 can be used. No other fields need changed. Click Process.
  15. Communicate the truck computer to grab the new route and information from the server.