This article contains a quick overview of what needs to be run at month end. Also included is a detailed checklist of items that need to be done prior to running statements.
What to Run at Month End
- Process all sales, including EnergyTrack.
- Process all payments, including EnergyTrack.
- Enter and process Meter Readings if necessary (see Meter).
- Process Recurring Billing if applicable.
- Process Tank Rental if applicable.
- Run Age Analysis.
- Run Out of Balance Report and fix any outstanding issues.
- Print the Department Summary.
- Go to the Report Menu / Customer Reports.
- Choose 2 Customer $ Menu.
- Select 3 Totals/#of Customers and select Print.
- Choose 7 Age Analysis by Date and select Print.
- The totals on these two reports should match. If the reports match, proceed to Step 9. If they do not match, there may be an outstanding issue.
- Process Service Charges.
- Create a Statement File.
- Print Statements or send to Express Bill.
- Update Statements.
- Change the Posting Date.
Very Important: Change the Posting Date for a Division on the last day of the month or the Statement Date. This will stop anyone who wanted to void or make changes to a sale or payment in a previous month throwing off the A/R. This can be updated through the Supervisor Menu and should only be changed after closing out month end.
Month End Checklist
The month end checklist is a useful tool to help make sure you have completed all of the month end tasks. The list shown below is a sample and can be changed to better suit your companies needs.
Procedure | Done | |
1 | Enter all manual sales tickets and payments for the month. | |
2 | Enter all meter readings for the month. | |
3 | Import temporary meter readings. | |
4 | Print the Meter PrePost report and review for errors. | |
5 | Make any necessary changes. | |
6 | Reprint the Meter PrePost report. | |
7 | Process the meter billings. | |
8 | Print the meter billing journal. | |
9 | Print meter invoices. | |
10 | Create a recurring billing file. | |
11 | Populate the recurring billing file. | |
12 | Print the recurring billing file and review for errors. | |
13 | Make any necessary changes. | |
14 | Reprint the recurring billing file. | |
15 | Post the recurring billing charges. | |
16 | Print the recurring billing journal. | |
17 | Create a tank rental file. | |
18 | Process the tank rental file. | |
19 | Print the Tank Rental report and review for errors. | |
20 | Make any necessary changes. | |
21 | Reprint the Tank Rental report. | |
22 | Update the tank rental charges. | |
23 | Print the Tank Rental Journal. | |
24 | Print Tank Rental Statements. | |
25 | Create the service charge file. | |
26 | Process service charges. | |
27 | Print the Service Charge report and review for errors. | |
28 | Make any necessary changes. | |
29 | Reprint the Service Charge report. | |
30 | Update the service charges. | |
31 | Run the Age Analysis Batch. | |
32 | Print the Out Of Balance report. If no accounts are out of balance, skip to Step 36. | |
33 | Correct any accounts that are out of balance. | |
34 | Run the Age Analysis Batch. | |
35 | Reprint the Out Of Balance report. | |
36 | Print the Age Analysis by Date report. | |
37 | Print the Department Summary report | |
38 | Balance accounts. | |
39 | Create a statement file. | |
40 | Process the statement data. | |
41 | Print statements or create the express bill file. | |
42 | Review statements for errors. | |
43 | Update the statement file. | |
44 | Create the bank draft file. | |
45 | Process the bank draft file. | |
46 | Print the bank draft exceptions. | |
47 | Print the bank draft file. | |
48 | Make any necessary changes. | |
49 | Reprint the bank draft file. | |
50 | Process the NACHA file. | |
51 | Update bank draft customers. | |
52 | Print the bank draft journal. | |
53 | Create the credit card file. | |
54 | Process the credit card file. | |
55 | Print credit card exceptions. | |
56 | Print the credit card file. | |
57 | Make any necessary changes. | |
58 | Reprint the credit card file. | |
59 | Update credit card customers. | |
60 | Print the credit card journal. | |
61 | Change the posting date. | |
62 | Print Department and Driver reports. | |
63 | Print Sales Tax reports. | |
64 | Print General Ledger reports. |