Mass Update Monitor Threshold

Update many monitor thresholds at once by running the Update Monitor Threshold utility located at Supervisor Menu / Processes / Utility Menu / Update Monitor Thresholds.

When the button is selected a warning that the utility will update all monitor thresholds based on the criteria entered will display. Run the Tank Monitor Analysis Report on the Management Report Menu to review prior to running this utility.

Monitors can be updated by Division, Tank Location, Customer Type, Tank Route, Tank Types, or a combination of these items.  Each field is multi select, multiple selections can be made by placing a comma between the criteria or by selecting them from the list.  It is recommended that Target Refill Level and Critical Refill Level be at least 10 digits apart.

Only monitors marked as RTM with Deferred Billing or Gallons/Percent Update Only will get updated.

A file is generated to show which monitors were updated.  This report displays the original and the new target and critical thresholds. When the process has finished running, a message will come up with the file location.  

A record is also written to the audit log to show who processed the update and what target and critical levels were entered.