Registering a New Customer Account
Prior to logging into the payment portal for the first time, register for an account. Once registered, log in to view the following information:
Tank information
Contract Information
Delivery History (1 year's worth)
Make a Paymen...
Logging In and Out of Energy Force Portal
Sign In to Energy Force Portal
Navigate to the payment portal to log into an existing account.
On the Sign In window enter the account email address and password and choose Sign in .
Note : Optionally choose Forgot your passwo...
Placing an Order
The Order button gives the ability to request a delivery for the selected tank. The company's delivery policy and Tank Capacity are shown at the top. Many companies have a minimum gallon policy and charge a fee if the minimum isn't met. If th...
Placing a Payment Updated
Upon logging into the payment portal a list displays of the current Amount Due , Current Balance , and Budget Due along with 30/60/90 Day Balances .
Note : If a discount is available, the discount total and paid by date will now show und...
Tank Information, Contract Information, and Delivery History
Tank and Contract Information Information for active tanks currently assigned to the account and will list T ank Serial # , Tank Capacity , Tank Type , Last Delivery date, Gallons Delivered, Last Monitor Read , and Recorded Level . Each...
Settings Menu
The Settings menu allows users to review or update contact information, passwords, and stored payment information.
Select the User icon in the upper right corner and select Settings .
Update Email
To change your email ...
Add Another Billing Method To Portal Account
Select Pay.
Select Enter Payment Method.
Enter in the Payment Method , Payment Information , Payment Nickname , and select Save Payment Method , and click Submit.
Note: Using the ACH option allows for a On...