Customer Maintenance

Customer Menu

The Customer Menu houses various modules related to the customer database such as contracts, tanks, and appliances. Customer accounts can be added manually or imported by the Customer Import program if an alternative accounting system is used (Agris, MOCA, SSI, Etc). 

There are a number of customer-related options located within the Customer Maintenance screen referred to as the Customer Maintenance Quick Menu.

Press Tab to move through the different fields.

Add New Customer Account

  1. From the Main Menu, select Customer Menu.
  2. From the Customer Menu, select Customer Maintenance.
  3. On the Customer Maintenance window, press CTRL+C to create.
  4. In the Division field, enter the Division number and press Tab.
  5. In the Customer # field, enter the customer number or, if Energy Force is set to auto-assign numbers, press the Tab key and the number will automatically appear.
  6. The Bill To number will automatically default to the customer number entered. If this is not correct, enter the correct Bill To customer number. Press Tab when finished. This will automatically navigate to the Address & Information tab.

  7. Enter the First Name of the customer. If the customer is a business, press Tab in the First and Last Name fields and enter the full name of the Business in the Name field.
  8. Enter the Last Name of the customer.
  9. The Name field at the top of the screen will automatically default to the Last, First Name or will display the full name of the business.
  10. In the Address field, enter the address for the customer (this will be Address Line 1).
  11. Enter the primary Phone number for customer.
  12. In the Address2 field, enter the second line for the address.
  13. Enter City name in City field.
  14. In the State field, enter the two-character postal code.
  15. The Zip Code field should auto-populate based on the city and state that has been entered but can be modified if necessary.
  16. Enter Contact information.
  17. Select the Phone Type in the drop-down (this is in reference to the phone number entered in step 5)
  18. Enter work telephone number in the Work Phone field. Include the extension in the Extension field if applicable.
  19. Select the type of work telephone number in the drop-down below the Work Phone field.
  20. In the Send Statement field, enter Yes to send statements or enter No to not send statements to the customer.
  21. In the Statement Cycle Code field, enter the Statement Cycle Code for the customer. Optionally press F5 or select the Lookup icon, choose the Statement Cycle Code from the list, and choose Select.
  22. In the Terms Code field, enter the Terms code for the customer. Optionally press F5 or select the Lookup icon, choose the Terms code from the list, and choose Select.
  23. The Invoice Cycle Code field is not being used at this time. Be on the lookout for future enhancements.
  24. In the Salesman Code field, enter the Salesman code for the customer. Optionally press F5 or select the Lookup icon, choose the Salesman code from the list, and choose Select.
  25. After exiting the Salesman Code screen, the customer account will automatically save. Press Ctrl+M to modify any defaulted information that may need to be changed.
    1. In the Allow Disconnects field, enter Yes to allow the customer to be disconnected or No to not allow the customer to be disconnected.
    2. In the Service Charge field, enter Yes if this customer will be charged monthly Service Charges on past due statement balances or No if this customer will not be charged monthly Service Charges.
    3. In the Minimum Finance field, enter Yes if the calculated Service Charges are less than the minimum Finance Charge in the Division Maintenance window. The minimum Finance Charge amount will apply to the customer. Enter No if the calculated Service Charges apply to the customer.
    4. In the Print Invoice field, enter Yes to generate invoices for the customer using the Print Single Invoice and Invoices by Journal options. Input No to not generate invoices for the customer using the Print Single Invoice and Invoices by Journal options.
    5. The Member ID is an optional field that can be used to record the membership identification number for the customer.
    6. In the Customer Memo field, enter information about the customer such as comments about a status change on the customer account.
    7. Select Other Phone/Email.
    8. On the Other Phone Numbers/Email Address window, in the (E)mail or (P)hone area, input E to enter email addresses or P to enter phone numbers.
    9. In the Phone/Email field, type the telephone number or email address.
    10. Key in a description about the telephone number or email address in the Description field.
    11. Select Save then choose Exit.
    12. Go to the Accounts Receivable tab.
    13. Credit Limit – Enter dollar amount if applicable. The system will notify by highlighting the field with a red box if the customer exceeds the credit limit.
    14. Status – This field will default to Active during the customer creation process.
    15. Enter Yes or No for Turned Over To Collection.
    16. Number of Tanks, Total Balance all Accts, Sales YTD All Tanks, and Gallons Used YTD All Tanks automatically gets updated with each sale.
    17. If this account is tax exempt, select the Tax Exemptions button. Refer to the Tax Exemptions article for further information.
    18. Tank Address is used to look up any address.
    19. Tank Prices shows all tanks and their associated prices.
    20. Press CTRL+Q to save.
    21. Go to the Budget tab.
    22. Budget information can either be entered manually as shown above or by the budget calculator located in the Reports menu. For more information see here.

Print Information

Customer information can be printed when the Print Information tab is selected. This information can be useful to give to a driver for new customer information or as a hard copy to place in a customer file. Select the Report type (more than one item can be selected) and choose Print

If printing tank information, multiple tanks tied to the account can be selected and printed in one report.