– Key Highlight
Energy Force
- SKYR-306 / Saving Device Payment Methods – Users have the ability to save credit card payment methods from a device (and save as default) to the consumers account for future use.
- SKYR-426 / Disable Manual CC Entry Option – The Online Merchant Setup table has a new option to Disable Manual CC Entry. When checked, users will not be able to enter a credit card number into Energy Force using a keyboard. This applies to saving payment methods and taking payments. Credit card numbers will process through the credit card device, using normal entry process of swiping, tapping, inserting or manual entry.
- SKYR-185 / Driver Email Address Field Character Limit – Driver email address field has been increased from 30 to 100 characters.
- SKYR-230 / Printing Payment Receipts – Payment Receipts are now available when payments are taken through the gateway payment feature once the transaction is approved and completed.
- SKYR-348 / Budget Billing Indicator – Budget Billing tab on Customer Maintenance is bold when the customer has an active budget as expected.
- SKYR-384 / Multi-Delivery Posting Transaction Codes – On a Multi-Delivery Invoice, deliveries made after a Contract Delivery are posting with the correct transaction codes as expected.
SKYR-90 / Optimizer Settings by Location – Optimizer can run by Route and Location with separate parameters allowing for different routing options. Parameter fields have been added to Automated Tasks and Populate Optimizer for manually processed schedules. The list of Run Optimizer Autotasks and the respective parameters will display to select from when manually running the Optimizer.
Example: One location can run in Summer fill mode while others do not.
For more information, see Optimizer by Route/Location Setup.- SKYR-362 / Gateway Payment Reconciliation Report Updated – Gateway Payment Reconciliation report now displays Entered By and Channel. Entered By is the Energy Force user who processed the payment and Channel is where the payment was processed. (Energy Force, Device, Consumer Portal
- SKYR-26 / Multiple Locations to Run Contract Gas Report #3 – When using the Excel output option, the Contract Gas report # 3 (Contract Total Dollars/Gallons) now allows for assigning a file name and selecting a location to save the file. This allows multiple users to run the report without having to wait for the report to be closed.
- SKYR-34 / Online SDD Clock – Online SDD clock will roll automatically when the Year End Clock Roll is done in Energy Force.
- SKYR-37 / Year End Clock Roll – Year End Clock roll now sets the DD Last Delivery and DD Next Delivery as expected.
- SKYR-183 / Tank Name and Description Character Limits – The Tank Name and Tank Description fields have been expanded from 12 to 30 characters. Currently only 12 characters display on the tank information under Customer Maintenance. Users can arrow to the right to see the rest of the name/description.
- SKYR-270 / Auto-Create an NMI Vault – Creating a saved payment method within Energy Force will auto-create the NMI vault record and account association for accounts that don’t already have a vault record. This allows users to save the initial payment method without going to NMI first.
- SKYR-129 / Discount Payment Transactions – The Discount on the Payment transaction widow auto-populates the available discount, and displays discount details. The Discount information cannot be modified.
- SKYR-132 / Payment Transaction Window Payment Methods – On the Payment Transaction window, either Use Saved Payment Method or manually enter CC or ACH payment information.
- SKYR-255 / Payment Transaction Window – Save Payment Method and Default Payment Method options have been added to the Payment Transaction window.
- SKYR-269 / Payment Method Management – The Customer Maintenance screen has a new button for Payment Methods. This displays the customers' saved payment methods. New payment methods and default payment methods can be made here without having to log into NMI.
- SKYR-83 / Regulatory Fees – Regulatory fees work as expected if the Regulatory Department code is a lower value than the Product/Department code in the Tank Product Reference field.
Note: The Regulatory Department does not have to be listed on the tank in order for the Regulatory Code to work. - SKYR-85 / Default Payment Device Option – When selecting a payment device to process a payment, users can choose to set the device as a default device and will automatically be selected for future payments. Users are still able to change the device selection and\or change defaults.
- SKYR-228 / Contract Overage Transaction Code – SKYR-11 from 17.269 release has been reverted for this fix.
- SKYR-57 / Purchase Order # – Energy Force can now store and process a standing PO #. A field has been added to the right of Special Delivery Instructions on the Tank screen to record a Purchase Order Number. A user right is required to modify this field.
The PO # will automatically populate onto the EnergyTrack Invoice and Manual Sales Posting screens and will also print on the Invoice. The PO # can be modified on the Invoice screen if necessary.
- SKYR-160 / Revert Code – Manual Sales Posting Prices coding (BRUT-43 in release 17.268) has been removed on version 17.271 or higher at this time.
BRUT-763 / Safety Forms – Safety Forms have been added to Energy Force to record Suspected Leak and Interruption of Service calls. The forms have statements to read to the caller and fields to record information about the leak or interruption.
The full list can be accessed from Customer Menu / Safety Forms or start a new form from any screen using the icon on the Energy Force toolbar.
Select the Safety Form button to view all forms saved or created on a customers account under Customer Maintenance.
Pending Safety Forms (Incomplete and In Process) are also available on the Safety Form Selection window or click the View All button in the lower left to view all including completed forms. Safety Form Viewing, Creating, Modifying and Cancelling capabilities each have a separate user right.
- SKYR-3 / Print Safety Forms – Printing Safety Forms is now available.
- SKYR-39 / Void Safety Forms Option – Void option has been added to the Safety Forms. Safety Forms with a pending status (Incomplete, In Process), which are no longer needed can be voided. The Void process will change the status to Voided and remove the record from a pending status forms list but still visible in a show all list. This function is controlled by a permission. The void option is visible but is not active if the user does not have the necessary permissions. There are 2 void options, Duplicate and Other. If other is selected, a void reason description must be entered in order to save.
- SKYR-10 / Multi Delivery Contract Roll / Overage – Multi Delivery, where the first delivery is to a contract that rolls to a second contract and the second delivery is to a contract where there is a contract overage, is posting as expected.
- SKYR-11 / Multi Deliver Same Tank, Same Contract – Multi delivery to the same tank and the same contract is posting both entries to the tank reading. Note: Make sure to enter the correct ending % on each delivery.
- BRUT-43 / Manual Sales Posting Prices – Manual sales posting brings in the price from the tank on non-default products as expected.
- BRUT-868 / Optimizer Load Schedule Log Moved – The Optimizer Load Schedule Log process has been moved from the Optimizer Menu to the Utilities Menu and added to the Audit Log, increasing the speed of the process.
- BRUT-793 / Device Name Case Sensitivity – Device Name field in Payment Devices is no longer case sensitive.
- BRUT-825 / Change Inventory Status Process Additional Criteria – Change Inventory Status button will be disabled if the tank is company owned but has a master RRN # of 0.
- BRUT-431 / PM.dat File Name to be Unique – The master clear file name has been updated to be unique by changing the seconds (last 2 digits) to be the seconds for the entire day.
- BRUT-769 / Julian Setup Causing Auto Tasks Lockups – Julian schedule setups with effective date periods, other than 1/1 - 12/31 and changed to a definite ending date, no longer lock up the posting routine.
- BRUT-132 / Split Bill Customer Validation – Setting up a split bill no longer accepts an invalid Customer Number. Save button will become available once the split percent totals 100.
- BRUT-700 / Tank Rent, Service Charges, Statements and Recurring Billing file name Validation – File names for Tank Rent, Service Charges, Recurring Billing, Statements and Route Scheduling are now being validated. Duplicate file names will not be allowed. This prevents files from appending.
- BRUT-582 / Additional Tax Fields Added to Master Clear – Master Clear #12 has been updated from 10 tax codes and 10 tax amounts to 15 tax codes and 15 tax amounts.
- BRUT-697 / Energy Track Driver Ticklers – Driver comments\ticklers are working as expected.
- BRUT-301 / Monitor Information not Showing on Tank if Consumption Meters Attached – Monitor information shows on the tank screen as expected when there is also a consumption meter tied to the tank.
- BRUT-581 / EnergyService Invoice Service Location Change Not Recalculating Totals – Users can now change the Service Location on Proposals and Energy Service invoices and the taxes will recalculate.
- BRUT-172 / Master Asset Transfer – Customer owned tank transfers no longer write an entry to the Tank\Meter inventory history.
- BRUT-608 / Price Code XRef – EnergyForce has new functionality for the contract import to bring in multiple price codes based on the Contract Bill Type. The change is beneficial for contract prices that fluctuate. Under the Posting Menu/Contract Import is a new Price Code XRef button. This cross reference is for Contract Bill Types where the price fluctuates so the contract needs to be on a regular price code that has a rack code attached.
Enter the Division, Contract Bill Type and the Price Code for that Contract Bill Type to use. Any Contract Bill Type that is not listed in the cross reference table will use the Agvance Price Code as usual.
- BRUT-631 / Scheduled Tasks – EnergyForce Portal Payment task scheduler can now be setup to call EnergyForce directly instead of calling the batch file and set to stop the task if it runs longer than 1 hour. This allows the task to close when finished running or force closed after an hour to prevent sessions that are hung up.
- BRUT-754 / Auto Task Run Log – Auto Task Run Log has been added to the Automated Tasks. The log will store 30 days of information, including Run Date, Run Time and Duration.
- BRUT-526 / New Reconciliation Report – A new reconciliation report for Energy Force Portal payments is on the Posting Menu and can be run by the payment date with recent payments taking up to 5 minutes to display. Balance and Budget run payment reports now run to a csv file instead of video.
- BRUT-587 / EnergyService Header Updated – EnergyService menu header has been updated to say EnergyService instead of displaying Energy Force.
- BRUT-694 / Right Click Utility Menu for Contract Imports – Validation on Customer Number, Contract Number, Contract Dates, Price Code, and Bill Type have been added to the Right Click Contract Import Utility. This import now also works with Product Level Contracts and will then validate on the Product\Department number.
- BRUT-742 / Energy Force 'Check For Updates' – Energy Force updates work as expected with a non default SQL port.
- BRUT-759 / Tank Analysis Julian Export Report – Julian Schedules Export will now display all schedules when when a tank has multiple schedules.
- BRUT-772 / Device Payment Options Hidden – Device Payment options are now hidden instead of disabled when a user doesn’t have the payment integration right.
- BRUT-779 / Contract Dates – Contracts are being sent to the handhelds as expected.
- BRUT-417 / Spelling Correction – Spelling correction has been made to the Contract Cross Reference button on the Contract Gas Menu.
BRUT-523 / Set Start at a Non-Filling Location – Optimizer can now be set to start at a non-filling location such as a driver’s home on run 1.In order to use this functionality go to the Supervisor Menu/Maintenance Menu/Optimizer Maintenance/Yard and Remote Tanks GPS. Add an entry for the non-filling location (Description - drivers home) with the coordinates (X1 and Y1), Setup Mins and Pumping Glns/Min should be set as 0. In the box on the right enter the Div, and Route this entry is for and set Location Type to Non-Filing and Save.
Next select Supervisor Menu/Maintenance Menu/Optimizer Maintenance/Routes to Schedule. On the route that the Start Location is going to be non-filling (drivers home), go into Modify Mode and use F5 to select the non filling Start Location. If the Start Location for a route is the yard then the Start Location will stay as 0.
- BRUT-541 / RTM Interface Updates – New Remote Tank Monitor interfaces can be setup to import files with existing coded formats.
- BRUT-588 / Icons Updated within Energy Force –Icons for EnergyService, EnergyMap and Energy Force have been updated.
- BRUT-666 / Create Batch File for Contracts – Energy Force has added the functionality of a batch to populate products onto existing contracts for users to implement Product Level Contracts.
- BRUT-707 / Gallons Delivered Field Updated after Delivery –Gallons Delivered for all delivery types now display on the EFPortal.
- BRUT-173 / Optigistics Sticky Note Path –Optimizer tank group sticky notes now read the file path in the Ogtigistics Parameters in order to handle databases that have multiple subfolders under the DD85 folder.
- BRUT-540 / Automatic Upcharge for Premium Product – New functionality has been added to AFD processing to allow for automatic upcharges when a premium product (more expensive) is billed against a base product contract.
- BRUT-638 / Optimizer IncludeOverBalance Option – Optimizer IncludeOverBalance setting is functioning as expected. When the setting is set to No, customers with balances over the Age Limits for Mapping in the Division Maintenance table won’t schedule. The tanks excluded due to the balance being over the Age Limits for Mapping are included in the Optigistics Export Exclusions email.Below is the setting for the Optigistics Parameters table. If the setting is not present or set to Yes then the Age Limits for Mapping are not considered.
- BRUT-731 / Balance/Budget Payment Runs – Balance/Budget Payment runs are operating as expected.
- BRUT-229 / Purge DD History on the Year End Menu – Purge Menu is working as expected and speed improvements have been implemented.
- BRUT-230 / Purge K Deviate Records – Purge K Deviate Records are working as expected and have had speed improvements implemented.
- BRUT-231 / Purge Meter Temp File – Purge Meter Temp File is working as expected and speed improvements have been implemented.
- BRUT-426 / Year End Clear Speed – Speed improvements have been made to the Year End Clear on the Year End Menu.
BRUT-690 / Send Filtered Data to EnergyTrack – Energy Force has a new enhancement to send filtered data to EnergyTrack. Several changes have been made to the Download to Re-Engineered ET screen.
- Handheld # and Division fields have new titles.
- Handheld # is now Device Range.
- Restrict Tanks & Custs to Division is now Division Range.
- Location Range has been added.
- Input fields have been updated to lists instead of ranges. This allows for downloads to non sequential parameters.
Example: To create downloads for Handheld numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 only the field would be filled in with 1-5, 7, 10. This change saves users from having to run the download multiple times. The new fields have a 300 character max length.
- Handheld # and Division fields have new titles.
Data is filtered on more items now.
- Trucks are filtered now. Downloads for Propane will only contain Propane trucks and Refined Fuel downloads will only contain Refined Fuel Trucks.
- If the download is location or division specific then EnergyTrack will only receive the customers, tanks, trucks, call ins, storage locations and schedules for the specified location or division.
- If an incorrect ending division was used in the past (download ran for 1 - 999 and division 999 was not valid) the regulator codes were not exported. This item has been corrected.
- Note: These changes also work through automated tasks. The Download to Re-Engineered ET task will be converted automatically.
- BRUT-702 / Roll Customer Efficiency Speed – Speed improvements have been made to the Roll Customer Efficiency in the Year End Menu.
BRUT-711 / Energy Force Payment Integration – Energy Force now has a payment integration processed through NMI with a virtual or physical device. Customer account information is linked through Energy Force. Contact Sales for more information. See Encrypted Device Payments in Energy Force for more details.
- BRUT-724 / Calculating K-Factor – Percent updates are calculating k-factors as expected
- BRUT-576 / Tax Exemption Import – New Tax exemption import has been added to automated tasks. The parameter section requires the file name to be entered with the file type extension. For example: taxexemptions.csv.
- BRUT-323 / Load/Unload Trips Posting Inventory Transfer – Inventory transfers will only post one time, even when a trip is resent.
- BRUT-571 / Tax Exemption Import – Energy Force has added the ability to import Tax Exemptions. The file must be named TaxExemptions.csv, be comma delimited and placed in the interface folder. This new item is located on the Posting Menu / Daily Clear / Tax Exemption Import. Once the file is imported, it will be renamed with date and time stamp.bak. A new TaxExemptionErrors csv will also be created in the interface folder if there are any exemptions that did not import due to duplication.
- BRUT-435 / Customer-Owned Gallons - Deferred Billing – Customer-owned gallons work as expected when Process Deferred Billing is run.
- BRUT-436 / Deferred Billing Posting – Deferred Billing works as expected when the monitor has one product in the Deferred Billing History with remaining gallons that cover the consumption and a different product was delivered during the month.
- BRUT-440 / Deferred Billing Contract – The Deferred Billing Contract roll works as expected.
- BRUT-600 / Meter Billing – Meter billings where the last read and current read are the same are updating the Meter Information screen as expected.
- BRUT-370 / Tank Rent – Process tank rental has been sped up. Report no longer prints automatically but can still be printed manually by selecting the Print Tank Rental button.
- BRUT-578 / Card Stop – Card Stop has been updated to handle the change OPW made to the file layout. The file used to have Approved and now contains 000 to indicate approval.
- BRUT-648 / Rename Mobile Device Posting Files if Duplicates – Mobile Device posting has been updated when renaming the zip file to a .bak to include a date and time stamp into the file name. This relieves the issue of renaming duplicate trips to the same file name which can stop the posting routine.
- Brut 551 / New Maintenance Tables (Internal Release) – New tables have been created in Energy Force for items previously housed in the ini file. These items will be migrated from the ini file to the new tables the first time Energy Force is opened. There are 3 sets of the tables; one set for Energy Force, one set for EnergyTrack (HH) and one set for Mobile Service (MS). These tables are located in Energy Force under Supervisor Menu / Maintenance Menu / System Maintenance. There is a new user right to access these tables.
ImportantNote: The first time Energy Force is opened the HH Logical Names and MS Logical Names tables have 5 entries that will need to be updated prior to running downloads for the mobile devices.
The screenshot below shows the 5 lines in 2 tables that need to be updated and what the values should be.
Also verify the HHDATASEND and HHDATARECEIVE lines in the HHLogical Names table and the MSDATASEND and MSDATARECEIVE lines in the MSLogical Names tables. These need to be correct prior to running downloads to mobile devices.
- BRUT-797 / Order of Communication for EnergyTrack and MobileService – The order of communication for EnergyTrack and MobileService has been updated to download and process available updates prior to downloading and importing data. This allows tables to load correctly when a table change is involved in the update.
- Command prompt will automatically close after 5 seconds when the update is complete.Upon re-opening, EnergyTrack will automatically communicate to send and receive data.
- BRUT-747 / Search by Department Number – EnergyTrack now has the ability to search for the Product\Department by Product\Department Number.
- BRUT-796 / Browse Tables – Browse tables have been created on EnergyTrack under the Utilities/Administration for HHEnvironmentConfig, HHLogicalNames and HHPrinters. They have also been created on MobileService under Administration for MSEnviromentConfig, MSLogicalNames and MSPrinters.
- BRUT-800 / Point of Origin Taxes – Point of Origin Taxes based on County are working as expected.
- BRUT-450 / Multi-Delivery on Split Tank – Multi-deliveries can now include tanks with splits. EnergyTrack will group the non-split deliveries into one invoice and create separate invoices for each delivery involving a split. The first invoice screen will have all non-split deliveries and, once that invoice is processed, the invoice screen will display to process the split delivery. This process will repeat until all splits have been invoiced.
- BRUT-238 / Add Unit of Measurement to DOT Manifest – Verbiage on the Federal Manifest has been changed from Total Quantity to Total Gallons.
- BRUT-699 / OptiSchedLog Table Import Time – The checking of the OptiSchedLog table has been updated to decrease the length of time to import the schedule.