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Energy Force
SKYR-311 / Release Version Numbering Changes – The first number will change based on the year, 18 is 2025’s major version update. The second number seen will be the general release number and after that, the patch release number if the version was updated between general releases. The final number will be a placeholder for a hotfix (otherwise, will be 0). The version number no longer displays on the Main Menu for Energy Force and EnergyService, but is still available under the About section in the Help Menu and in the lower right of the screen.
The Version Number should still show on the Main Menu of EnergyTrack and MobileService but will no longer contain the date.
Note: These changes will be in effect with this current general release.- SKYR-650 / Active Directory Password Requirement – An additional setting has been added for those using Active Directory to log into Energy Force. The Active Directory password will be required at log in and make it an even more secure process to access Energy Force. Using this new setting with the Active Directory setup, rather than bypassing the username/password input, it will make it to require both for login. The Active Directory username will auto-populate into the Energy Force username field and require the user to input their Active Directory password. If this matches, the user will be logged in to Energy Force.
Note: The .ini ActiveEnergyTrack=Y setting is controlling Active Directory and needs to be set to N in order for this to work. - SKYR-627 / Change Inventory Status – Renter Transfer, Destroyed and Lost/Stolen options have been removed from the Change Inventory Status window at the Tank Information screen.
- SKYR-643 / Out of Balance Report – The Out of Balance report at Main Menu / Month End Menu has been refactored which has increased the speed of the report. An Excel option has also been added.
- SKYR-369 / Tank Description Field – Tank description field when transferring a tank has been updated to allow the full 30 characters.
- SKYR-590 / Salesman Total Gallons Summary Report – Salesman Total Gallons Summary report now shows all sales. Video and Print options have been removed, report opens in excel automatically.
- SKYR-175 / Salesman Report – Video and Print options have been removed from the Salesman Total Gallons Detail Report, Excel is the option for download and print. Detail Salesman Report now shows all sales.
- SKYR-600 / Void Payment Integration Payment Line Items – When voiding a Payment Integration payment in Energy Force, all applicable fees and discounts will also be voided. When the Void Line item is selected, a message alerts that the payment, applicable fees, and discounts will all be voided. Choose Cancel to return to the list or OK to process the void.
This change included increasing a virtual field for the Transaction ID from 10 to 40 characters. The increased field size also resolved an issue on the Payment Reconciliation report displaying the Fee Journal Number and the Fee Ticket Number as the payment ID’s recently increased in length.
Note: This new functionality will only work on payments processed after this release. - SKYR-178 / Modify Routes to Schedule Table – The Routes to Schedule table can be modified when there are no existing non-filling Locations in the Browse Yard and Remote Tanks table.
SKYR-429 / Julian Exception Report – Posting routine has been updated to handle a Julian schedule not generating dates so that it no longer halts the posting. Schedules that can not generate the next delivery date will be written to the Julian Posting Exceptions log located at Management Reports / Exception Report Menu / Julian Posting Exceptions.
SKYR-508 / Import Agvance Tank Monitor Readings – Energy Force can now import monitor reads from Agvance if the databases are on the same SQL instance.
- SKYR-176 / Add Customer GUID to Master Clear – New master clear #5 has been created for Agvance users. This master clear file has the same data as master clear #4 with the addition of the customer GUID to the end of the file. This file is pipe delimited, not positional.
- SKYR-182 / Tank Rent Report – Tank rental report works as expected when tank rent is processed with division 0 (for all).
- SKYR-343 / Special Characters in Saved Payment Methods – Special characters are no longer blocking retrieval of saved payment methods. When saving a new payment method from within Energy Force if | (pipe) special character is used it will be replaced it with a - (hyphen) upon saving.
Example: My|New|Card would save to NMI as My-New-Card. - SKYR-533 / Processing with Multi-Postings – Data collisions when posting have been resolved so all items will post when multi-postings (including tank rent, EnergyService, RET posting, service charges etc) happen at the same time.
- SKYR-542 / NMI Fee Calculations – Payment Integration payments now account for discounts in the fee calculation.
- SKYR-94 / OptiLog Efficiency – Opti log now clears out records over 2 years old daily versus every 7 days when the Optimizer runs. To increase speed the process was updated to a SQL query.
- SKYR-227 / User & Rights Export – User Manager Export has been updated to provide one report with all users instead of individual reports per user.
- SKYR-258 / Tank Split Export File –For Agvance and Energy Force customers running the tank export process, only active splits on active tanks will be exported with the file. When a tank transfer is attempted, if the tank is part of a split, a message displays to choose how the split should be moved. To read more see Energy Force / Agvance Tank Transfer Procedure.
SKYR-493 / Voided NMI Transactions – NMI Credit Card and ACH payments voided in Energy Force now communicates back to NMI. See Payment Integration Payments in Energy Force for more information.
SKYR-481 / Ticklers Available in Notes on Handhelds – ExportNotestoRET is a new system setting allowing ticklers to be sent to the handhelds and automatically generated with a default value of Y. Tickler types of Driver, Memo, Service, LPGSafety and Repair will be included in the RET download when this setting is set to Y.
The old setting of LPGSafety which only sent LPGSafety ticklers will be removed as it is no longer needed. The LPGSafety button on version 1 of EnergyTrack has been renamed to Notes including both completed and non completed notes. Notes will be ordered by non completed first, in descending date order followed by completed notes in descending date order. When the ExportNotestoRET or Export HLIToHHs is switched from Y to N, the data will be cleared out and should no longer show in Energy Track.
SKYR-559 / Disable Payment Button Option – A new EnergyTrack Handheld option has been added to disable the Payment button. The new option number and description is 40. Allow Payments. When set to N, the Payment buttons on the Tank and Invoice screens are disabled. This new option will automatically be added to all handhelds the first time new downloads are created or the first time the Re-Engineered EnergyTrack is accessed from the EnergyTrack Maintenance Menu and set to Y to allow payments by default.
- SKYR-584 / Add New Line on Delivery Screen – EnergyTrack redesign now creates a new line with the down arrow on the delivery screen for mechanical trucks.
- SKYR-591 / Load/Unload Feature – Unloads are working as expected on V2 of EnergyTrack.
- SKYR-444 / Update % / Collect GPS – EnergyTrack has been updated to alleviate the open DataReader error after performing an Update % or Collect GPS.
- SKYR-557 / CoPilot Navigation – CoPilot Navigation functions as expected from the Unscheduled Delivery Menu.