Utility Menu

Note: The Update Taxes for Fuelware option is a discontinued process.

Change Price Codes

Use this process if there is a Price Code that needs to be changed or updated. This can be done in a single Division or in all Divisions as well as on Contracts, Meters, Tank, or Recurring.

Product to Tank Product Ref

Use this to add a product to all tanks with a specified Tank Type. The Price Cd/Tier will need to be set at this time, along with any Product Use and Discount associated with the product. This is typically used with refined fuel tanks or to add an Out of Gas department to propane tanks.

AFD Product to Tank Product Ref

Use the AFD Product to Tank Product Ref for assigning a product to any File Extension (GAS, DD, ETC) by using the Division, Tank Type, Customer Type, and Location Code. There is an option to Clear all existing Tank Products during this addition clearing all existing products and departments on a tank. 

Update Rack Pricing

Use Update Rack Pricing when changing a group of Price Codes and Tiers. The Rack Code is set up in the Price table and is assigned to a group of Price Codes. This process allows for efficiency by Increasing or Decreasing numerous prices by the same amount, either by Dollars or Percent

Update Margins

This tool is used by customers who use AFD (Automated Fuel Delivery) in Energy Force.  It is used to update the Margin by Price code.

User Manager Export

This tool is enabled with a security right.  It prints all current users and their security rights in one report.

Safety Date Update

Use this process to enter a Safety Date for a Division and Location for all customers at one time. This can only be used for the past 30 days. Please contact SSI for any updates older than 30 days.

Update Call-In Route

This process is designed to realign the tanks in the Call-In menu and tanks within Routes once Optimizer has been installed or a rebalance has occurred.  This process will update the Call-In/Route with the newly assigned Route based on the new Optimizer installation or Route rebalance. Note: This process runs automatically upon clicking Update Call In Route from the Utility Menu screen.

Update Tank Location Based on Route

A utility has been added to Energy Force that allows users to update the tank locations based on route.  This utility does require a new user right  located under Supervisor Menu / Processes / Utility Menu.  Update Tank Location and Update Service Locations are under separate buttons.

When Update Tank Locations is selected, the user fills in the Division, Route and the Tank Location associated with that particular route in the table. Once the table is filled out and saved, the Process button is enabled.  This process also updates the appropriate meter if it is tied to one of the tanks being updated.  The table will only need to be filled out one time and can be modified later if necessary.

By selecting Process, the user will receive another message asking if they want to update the location in the master asset file.

Selecting Yes will update the Tank Location on the customer account and also the location in the master asset file.  If No is selected, only the Tank Location on the customer account will be updated. The change to the location on the master asset will also be recorded in the master asset history and can be viewed under the History button in the Tank\Meter Inventory listing.

Update Service Locations

A utility has been added to Energy Force that allows users to update service locations by either tank location or service zone.  This utility does require a new user right located under Supervisor Menu / Processes / Utility Menu.  Update Tank Location and Update Service Locations are under separate buttons.

When selecting the Update Service Locations option, the following message appears.

If Yes is selected, indicate the Division, Tank Location, Service Zone and Location Code to update the service zones tanks to.  Then select Process.
If No is selected, the following screen appears to select the Division, Service Zone, and Location Code to update the service zones tanks to.

Tank and Service Location Reports

Energy Force has auto generated reports to go along with the Update Tank or Update Service Locations utilities.  Reports are saved in the Ctls93\DD85\CSV folder. The header on the reports includes the date and time the update was processed, the user that ran the update, and the selections chosen.   The reports only include items that were updated. 

Below is a sample of the report for the Update Tank Locations.

This process updates the Service Location in Energy Service to match the Tank Location.
Below is a sample of the Update Service Location report.

Update Posting Division

A new user right is required. Please have your IT email Energy Force Support to have this right added.

This option gives the user the ability to change the Posting Division of a Sales or Payment journal. Caution should be used when performing this option, confirm the correct Journal Number and the correct New Posting Division have been entered before selecting Process.  If an alternative accounting system is used, this step must be done before the Journal is cleared to the alternative accounting system.