If RET Option 32 is set to Y, there will be a Liquid Temp field at the Start Shift screen that is required to be completed.
The temperature entered in the Liquid Temp field will be used to compensate the Ending Percentage of a tank after a delivery is made. Compensation uses 60 degrees Fahrenheit as the base reference point for liquid propane volume correction.
To enable option 32 from Energy Track, navigate to Utilities / Administration / Energy Track Options and change Seq# 32 Value to Y.
Enable option 32 from Energy Force
Navigate to Supervisor Menu / Maintenance Menu / Energy Track Menu / Re-Engineered Energy Track / Select Handheld and change Seq# 32 Value to Y.
Liquid Temp is entered by the driver on the Start Shift screen.
Confirmation of the entry is required.
After a delivery is made, the End % is entered on the Invoice screen (a full propane delivery is entered at 80%).
EnergyTrack uses the temperature assigned at Start Shift to automatically adjust the Ending Tank Percentage on the Customer Invoice and Tank Reading screen.