Load / Unload Truck - Propane

This feature is used to load and unload the trucks. Fuel Transfers are then listed on the Trip Report printed at the end of the shift.

  1. Select Load / Unload from the Delivery Menu.
  2. Select the Type of Transfer (Load or UnLoad) radial.
  3. Select Choose to choose the Storage Location where the truck is filled from when loading.
  4. Enter or verify the Beginning % Full (percentage in the truck prior to loading) and proceed to load the truck.
  5. Enter the Ending % Full (percentage in the truck after loading).
  6. Enter the Temperature (F) (temperature of the product at the time of loading).
  7. Energy Track will calculate the Gallons Transferred based on the compartment size, beginning and ending percentages, and volume corrections for the temperature entered (temperature compensation).
  8. Checkmark the Product was Odorized? option.
  9. Select Continue.
  10. Select OK on the Fuel Transferred Successfully message to finish.