This feature is used to load and unload the trucks. Fuel Transfers are then listed on the Trip Report printed at the end of the shift.
- Select Load / Unload from the Delivery Menu.
- Select the Type of Transfer (Load or UnLoad) radial.
- Select Choose to choose the Storage Location where the truck is filled from when loading.
- Enter or verify the Beginning % Full (percentage in the truck prior to loading) and proceed to load the truck.
- Enter the Ending % Full (percentage in the truck after loading).
- Enter the Temperature (F) (temperature of the product at the time of loading).
- Energy Track will calculate the Gallons Transferred based on the compartment size, beginning and ending percentages, and volume corrections for the temperature entered (temperature compensation).
- Checkmark the Product was Odorized? option.
- Select Continue.
- Select OK on the Fuel Transferred Successfully message to finish.