Master Daily Clear Processes

Division Process

  1. Navigate to Main Menu / Posting Menu / Daily Clear.
  2. Select Division Process.
    1. Enter the posting Division to be cleared to the accounting system and select Process.
    2. Verify the information appears accurate for the location (no duplicates, no out of balance issues indicated by a Warning message).
  3. Select the Green Checkmark.
  4. Enter the next posting Division to be processed and press Tab.  Repeat Steps 3 - 4 until all Divisions have been processed.   Press ESC when finished.

Master Clear

Once all posting Divisions have been processed, select Master Daily Clear.

  1. Leave the Division as 0 to process all posting Divisions, enter one Division at a time.  Processing all is recommended so there is only one master clear file to import.
  2. Select Yes to clear all divisions at once if processing all posting Divisions.  
  3. Verify journal and history are in balance and select Process Master Clear.
  4. Leave the Process Date as it is displayed and choose DAT as the File Type. Select Process.
  5. Choose Print.
  6. Select the appropriate printer and choose Print.
  7. The system will process and return to the Daily Clear menu.

Agvance Users:

One final step of the Daily Clear process is to send the tank file to Agvance.

  1. Select Daily Tank Export directly under Master Daily Clear.  This will export the tank and split tank file.  
  2. A progress bar will appear to show the program is working.
  3. A report will not display.  The file is written automatically to the Interface folder.