Unscheduled Delivery - Cylinder Exchange

Selecting Unscheduled Delivery gives the ability to deliver to any customer in the database rather than just the customers selected for a schedule.

Select Unscheduled Delivery from the Delivery Menu to advance to the Customer screen.

Search for customer by Customer Name or Customer# and select Tanks to view the Tank screen. Select Misc. Sale to advance to the Delivery/Invoice screen.

Once on the Delivery/Invoice screen there is an option to enter the number of cylinders dropped off, number picked up, and number picked up full (full cylinders that are picked up will credit the invoice for the amount per cylinder). Additionally, modify the price of the product and enter a PO#. Note: If the delivery was made against a contract, the price cannot be modified.

  • Choose – Modify the product being sold. If the product is listed incorrectly, tap Choose and select from a list of available products.
  • Remove – Remove items from the Invoice. Only non-pumpable items can be removed from an Invoice. If a pumpable item is highlighted, the Remove button will not be active.
  • Discount – Review Discount if applicable and adjust as necessary.
  • Remove Tax – Remove all taxes from the Invoice. This is not on a per line item basis - it is for the entire Invoice. Once the taxes have been removed, they cannot be re-added.
  • Payment – Enter a payment from the customer. Reference the Payment article for more on entering payments in EnergyTrack.
  • Add – Add a non-pumpable item to the Invoice. Once Add is selected, tap Choose to select the item needing added to the invoice. Then enter a Quantity and Price for the item.
  • Finalize Invoice – Finalize the Invoice. A prompt will display for a Signature (if required) and then for a number of invoices to print. If a payment was taken  while on the Invoice screen, there will also be a prompt for the number of receipts to print.