SKYR-685 / Exiting and License Check – Update was completed to make exiting the map quicker and to resolve errors. There was also a global update so that EnergyMap can still function onsite if for any reason the mapping servers lose power. ...
Created On: 02/06/2025
in Knowledge Base EnergyTrack
If RET Option 32 is set to Y , there will be a Liquid Temp field at the Start Shift screen that is required to be completed. The temperature entered in the Liquid Temp field will be used to compensate the Ending Percentage of a tank after...
If the highlighted tank has an active contract, the Contract tab will be highlighted in blue. This tab displays contracts associated with the selected tank, active Dates , Price , Gls Left , and Bill Type (pre-buy, cents down). ...
Consumer Portal
SKYR- 303 / Portal Settings Dark Mode – Dark mode is no longer an option on the Portal.
Degree Days What are Heating Degree Days?
Heating Degree Days (HDD) – The average temperature that falls below 65 degrees. Weather based sites calculate by adding the High + Low temperatures (assumes the high temp for 12 hours and low tem...
Consumer Portal
SKYR- 613 / Discount on Other Amounts – Discount calculation for Other Amount payments is working as expected when calculating the Total Payment amount. The verbiage, If payment of $ or greater is entered, discount of...
Consumer Portal
SKYR- 586 / Discount on Payments – Discount calculation for Full Balance payments is working as expected when calculating the Total Payment amount. ( Discount Applied) shows if a discount exists to better show the consum...
Division Maintenance
Navigate to Main Menu / Supervisor Menu / Maintenance Menu / Division Maintenance.
Create the new Location in Division Maintenance by filling in the Address and complete all settings. It is recommended to co...
Quickly view the 6 lowest reading and active, Keep Full delivery type tanks on the SKY Energy Daily Fuel tab. View the Tank Serial Number , Customer Name , % Estimated Remaining by number and color visual and total Tank Size along with Lo...
A listing of all Energy Product Delivery Orders is available in SKY Energy. The list can be narrowed down by selecting the Filter icon and entering a filter criteria or or any grid cell with the search bar located in the header. When typing, the...