End Shift - Propane

If interfaced with an electronic register such as an LCR II, EMH, Neptune, or Mid Com, place the truck computer in the docking station BEFORE selecting End Shift.

  1. Select End Shift.
  2. Enter the current Odometer reading and select the checkbox.
  3. Verify (or enter if not interfaced with an electronic register) the Totalizer reading and select the checkbox.
  4. Verify the Truck % Full and tap the checkbox. If a Post Trip Inspection is required by the management team, select Truck Inspection and follow the directions outlined here.
  5. Tap Continue when completed. If not interfaced with an electronic register, continue to Step 6.
  6. Choose the number of copies to print.
  7. A purge routine will process and the main menu of EnergyTrack will display when finished. This routine removes EnergyTrack items older than 30 days.  
  8. It is advised to select Communicate once Wi-Fi is available to send trip information to Energy Force.