
Appliances and service contracts can be entered into the Appliance module. Tracking appliance information helps to aid with establishing a daily use rate for the customer. This information also communicates to EnergyTrack Re-Engineered so the driver can be aware of the appliances that run on propane in an Out of Gas situation.

  1. Press Ctrl+C to create.
  2. Enter the Appliance Type.
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. Enter the Make.
  5. Enter the Model.
  6. Enter the BTU Rating.
  7. Enter the Serial Number.
  8. Enter Sold By information if salesman information is necessary.
  9. Enter a Purchase Date if one is available.
  10. Enter the Service Contract Type if this appliance is serviced by your company.
  11. Enter the Begin and End Service Contract if applicable.
  12. Enter the Scheduled Service Month if applicable.
  13. Enter the Tank the appliance is tied to in the Tied to Tank field.
  14. Enter any necessary Comments.
  15. Press Ctrl+Q to save.