Weighted Degree Days

Weighted Degrees Days are designed so clients can choose how to have Degrees Days applied on a monthly basis. For example, if the client decides Degree Days should not be applied to the Keep Full tanks during June and July, those months can be set in the Weighted Degree Day maintenance file to 0%. If only half of the Degree Days should apply, then the month would be set to 50%. This is an optional program for and does not have to be utilized.

The reasoning behind this functionality is based on the theory that when Degree Days pass in the summer months, most customers do not turn on heaters and therefore, the Degree Days should have no effect on the gallons in the tank. Energy Force utilizes this table when entering the Degree Days daily or when the SDD is run automatically. In the months of June and July, if Degree Days are entered, it will not reduce the gallons in the tank. It WILL reduce by the daily use gallons. For example, if on August 15th there were 10 Degree Days entered, only five Degree Days will be used and, if the K-Factor was 5, the tank gallons would be reduced by one gallon plus the daily use gallons.

This Maintenance Table can be found at Main Menu / Supervisor / Maintenance.

The table will automatically create Division 1, Region 1 with all Perc fields defaulted to 100% but can be modified as needed. Additional regions will need to be added and can then be copied to other Divisions.