Proposals can be created for a customer from either the Scheduled or Unscheduled Service Order screens. If creating a proposal from Scheduled, highlight the Service Order and select Create and Open Proposal. From the Unscheduled screen, select the customer and press the Proposals button.
- Double tap in the Service Location#, Service Order Type, and Sales Rep fields to make the appropriate selections.
- Enter Comments if applicable.
- Double tap in the Item field. This will display the Inventory Search screen. Select the applicable items and choose Save Selections.
- Tap the Quantity field and enter the quantity.
- Once all items have been added to the Proposal, print the Proposal or Save & Close. Additionally, invoice the customer from this screen.
- If a customer signature is required, have the customer sign in the Customer Signature area.
- To print, select Print at the top left of the screen.
- To save, select the Save & Close button. The Proposal will be saved to the customer account and may be accessed at a later time.
- To invoice the customer, select Create Invoice located at the top of the screen. The screen will change to the customer Invoice screen. Select Finalize & Print.
- Optionally update a customer Service Order if one applies to the Proposal. Select Update Service Order and enter the information as it applies.