EnergyImage - Attach New Images to Customer Account

  1. Navigate to the Customer Maintenance screen.
  2. Select the customer account.
  3. Select Energy-Image.
  4. The Create Photo Attachment screen will appear. Select the Image Type from the drop-down.
    • The Image Type is typically named the same as the shortcut folders described here.  
  5. Select Attach from File to attach an image.
  6. Images (thumbnails) will appear.  Select Next/Last or First/Previous to review the images.
  7. Choose Select under the image to be attached. Multiple images can be attached by choosing Select under each desired image.  
  8. Select Save when image selection is finished. This will return to the EnergyImage screen.
  9. Select Modify to rename the Photo Title and add a Photo Comment.  
  10. Enlarge the photo for review, Print, or Delete the photo.
    • If Delete is selected, a prompt will appear asking if the image should be moved back to its original folder, allowing it to be reattached to another account.