17.260 | 10.13.2023

Energy Force

  • BRUT-417  / Spelling Correction – Spelling correction has been made to the Contract Cross Reference button on the Contract Gas Menu.
  • BRUT-523 / Set Start at a Non-Filling Location – Optimizer can now be set to start at a non-filling location such as a driver’s home on run 1.
    In order to use this functionality go to the Supervisor Menu/Maintenance Menu/Optimizer Maintenance/Yard and Remote Tanks GPS. Add an entry for the non-filling location (Description - drivers home) with the coordinates (X1 and Y1), Setup Mins and Pumping Glns/Min should be set as 0.  In the box on the right enter the Div, and Route this entry is for and set Location Type to  Non-Filing and Save.
    Next select Supervisor Menu/Maintenance Menu/Optimizer Maintenance/Routes to Schedule.  On the route that the Start Location is going to be non-filling (drivers home), go into Modify Mode and use F5 to select the non filling Start Location.  If the Start Location for a route is the yard then the Start Location will stay as 0.
  • BRUT-541  / RTM Interface Updates – New Remote Tank Monitor interfaces can be setup to import files with existing coded formats.
  • BRUT-588  / Icons Updated within Energy Force  –Icons for EnergyService, EnergyMap and Energy Force have been updated.
  • BRUT-666  / Create Batch File for Contracts  – Energy Force has added the functionality of a batch to populate products onto existing contracts for users to implement Product Level Contracts.
  • BRUT-707  / Gallons Delivered Field Updated after Delivery Gallons Delivered for all delivery types now display on the EFPortal.