Tank Type Setup

Tank Types are used to distinguish the types of tanks to track (K for kerosene, CY for Cylinder, or P for Propane). Enter the color codes and symbols to indicate how the tank should display on the Energy-Map.

Note: The Division and Tank Type should not be changed once it has been used.

  1. On the Tank Type Maintenance window, select Create. Optionally choose a Tank Type to make any necessary changes.
  2. Enter the Division for the Tank Type.
  3. Enter Location Number. 0 for all is recommended.
  4. In the Type Code field, enter a unique identifier. This can be up to two alpha/numeric characters.
  5. Enter a Description for the Tank Type.
  6. In the Tank Associated? field, enter Y if there is a tank associated with the Tank Type.
  7. Choose a Tracking Type of either Gallons or Cylinder.
  8. Choose Save.